Saturday, October 24, 2009

History of Illustration in context

I broke out the oils (the real ones, NOT the virtual ones) and started my project for Murray's class. The assignment is to choose a decade from the 1890's to the 1950's and paint an illustration that has to have the sensibility of that decade. It must be a magazine cover of that time, be the exact printed size of the magazine, and feature someone of prominence from that decade.
I chose suffragette Alice Paul and am painting her in the style of illustrators from the teens. I am attempting to work in the style of Coles Phillips, though not employ his fade away device. I am hoping to finish it up this weekend so it can be thoroughly dry before I take it to Pasadena in November. I will post the finished picture.

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About Me

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I am an artist and illustrator. I work in traditional and digital media. I specialize in Equine subject matter.